by P. M. H. Atwater, L.H.D.
It began around 1982 - the "flood," that is - literally a flood of children being born worldwide that would challenge parents and educators as never before; children who would defy the standards of generational typing. I call them the "new kids" because they are new; there has never been a generation like them in recorded history.
Toss all the labels of indigo, crystal, crystalline, starseed, cosmic, transitional, or psychic, then combine into one big package the characteristics said to define each type, and you'll have a profile of the new kids: where we're headed as a species. Labels are useless. Forget trying to interpret aura colors. These kids are evolving and changing faster than most of us can keep up with, which is why parents and educators are so puzzled.
Our newest citizens are proving themselves to be "off-the-charts" geniuses, violent anarchists, compassionate volunteers, extraordinary intuitives, wise healers, and bored drop-outs - almost simultaneously. Edgar Cayce is oft quoted as saying: Great numbers of children will be born who understand electronics and atomic power as well as other forms of energy. They will grow into scientists and engineers of a new age which has the power to destroy civilization unless we learn to live by spiritual laws.
What might have Cayce meant by "great numbers"? I believe science can answer that. Bruce Lahn and his University of Chicago colleagues are the authors of a study published 9-9-05 in the journal Science. This study rocked the evolutionary theorists when it was revealed that the two gene mutations responsible for building a better brain (both have been around for awhile), have suddenly skyrocketed in the world's population: 70% of the human family now shows evidence of one of them, 30% both. This matches what was found about eight years ago with those countries using standard IQ texts: 30% of the scores overall, especially those for genius, had taken an unprecedented leap of 24 to 26 points - a rise so sharp genetics cannot account for it, neither can education - because - the jump was in nonverbal intelligence! which is "creative problem solving" (in essence, intuitive knowing). This 70/30 split is popping up everywhere, and with millions upon millions of children worldwide: 70% are smarter than family members, 30% are geniuses.
And we're not just talking here about how smart or intuitive or knowing today's children are. There's more to it than that. My 30 years spent researching near-death states in adults and children, a decade previous to that studying altered states of consciousness and mysticism, plus a lifelong quest of exploring the earthplane and how things change, dying three times, raising three kids, learning as a youngster how to "merge and morph" in Idaho's canyons and deserts - from this background of inquiry and experience - I can say, that the fabled quantum leap in human evolution predicted by lore masters of old is here now!
Esoteric tradition and ancient prophecies put this situation into perspective by telling us that the Fifth Root Race is entering the earthplane at this time in history, and with this entry come changes in body type. The term, "root races," has been used in esoteric traditions to indicate "the foundational gene pool" of the human family, not a given classification of racial typing. Many great psychics and visionaries for the last several hundred years have spoken of root races, and that there are seven of them, forming a "master plan" for the development of human consciousness until humankind will have had enough time and opportunity to perfect itself as a species. If you go back to ancient folk tales, legends, and the oral histories of various peoples, root races were referred to then as "life streams" or "life waves" indicating new "bearers of light" who heralded the arrival and spread of large evolutionary cycles or "worlds" (usually seven in number) that purportedly advanced a higher purpose for Creation and all created things.
The chart, "Esoteric Teachings of Soul Evolution through the Awakening of the Human Mind," included with this article, is a summary I made from these esoteric and ancient sources of revelation that identify each grouping or root race according to its predominant frequency of vibrational energy via its colors. The Fifth Root Race, that Edgar Cayce said is arriving about now, is identifiable through its blue vibration. . . but I submit to you this is no ordinary color of blue.
This blue, in relation specifically to the Fifth Root Race, embodies such aspects as communication, education, science, creativity, invention, technology, progress, higher forms of intuition, spirituality, and knowing - in essence Fifth Chakra issues, which revolve around the question of will power: power over, or, power to. What to do about the responsibility wielding such power demands is the greatest challenge of the Fifth Root Race, the Fifth Chakra, "the Fifth World." The evolutionary cycle we are entering, as described by the Mayan Calendar and by other historical time keepers from native peoples across the globe, is indeed that of the Fifth World - said to be the timeframe when the Turning of the Great Cosmic Wheel occurs (a 25,920-year cycle).
But is the Fifth Root Race or Blues really that new?
I don't think so.
You can find evidence of Fifth Root Race types back in the times when Jesus walked the earth, not many, but some. In every renaissance the world has ever known, they crowded in - more between the years of 1870 to 1921 - then again in the sixties and seventies. The floodtide, though, that massive global push of advanced souls entering human bodies I submit to you began in the eighties, and especially from the year 1982 on. That means you or your grandpa could be "new kids," or your parents, or relatives tracing back hundreds of years. What distinguishes the "new" pattern that is unfolding in the third millennium is the inescapable sign of acceleration, of energy suddenly leapfrogging to dizzying heights as if the entire human race were cramming to know more and be more - ascending - too far too fast.
As the Fifth World advances, the Fifth Root Race moves into "Ascension" (higher stages of energy acceleration). That's what's exciting now: not that the Fifth Root Race is here, but that it is spreading in numbers, strength, and power so rapidly that what I believe we are really witnessing is an entire root race entering its final phases of existence, with the goal of completing or fulfilling itself, wrapping up its "run," so to speak. A couple hundred years from now, maybe longer, we'll see true Indigos or the Sixth Root Race initiate their big "splash in" - as earthplane energy deepens further into the realms of spiritual insight and individuation. A few are coming in now, but not as many as per popular books claim. The real action as esoteric tradition and ancient prophecies made plain is with the Fifth Root Race, the Blues, as they stretch the range and purpose of power - theirs, society's, religion's, God's.
Am I too abstract for you? Well, let me get more specific.
The new kids are the smartest children we've ever produced (even if they're flunking in school and can't spell). They are music oriented, clever innovators and inventors, highly creative, psychic, and intuitive, most can remember past lives, and otherworldly realms are real to them. They abstract at young ages, are excellent with math, are natural-born healers and entrepreneurs, and are both spiritual and irreverent at the same time - with an undercurrent of anger bubbling near the surface. They have strong spatial abilities (both sexes), are creative problem solvers, volunteer-minded, are drawn to humanitarian projects (size makes no difference), and have little regard for taboos - sexual or otherwise. They are impatient, group-oriented, easily frustrated, and expect things to come to them. And they are unusually sensitive to drugs, sprayed and processed foods, and electromagnetic fields. Boundaries, copyrights, degrees, or the work ethic of their parents, confound them, since they prefer instead the limitlessness of astral and synthetic worlds, virtual realities, photonics, and gadgetry.
The new children are multi-sensory people who multi-channel and live in a multi-verse. Theirs is the first generation ever to be born and grow up in a global village of ideas and opportunity.
How does this translate? Fact: 80% of the new kids are spatial learners, while 80% of the school curriculums they must learn from were designed for verbal learners. We're losing these children faster than we can educate them. They're bored. Please read Dr. Linda Silverman's Upside-Down Brilliance: The Visual-Spatial Learner (Deleon Publishing, Denver, CO, 2002), then get a copy for your school principal and school administrators. This situation isn't a "someday" thing. It's right-now. So are the learning disorders they exhibit; mostly the boys. If you ask the kids about this, they'll answer: "We're reordered, not disordered." Still, take a good look at their diet and what they're exposed to in the environment. Pharmaceuticals won't turn this around. It will take people trained in natural and complementary health measures to stem the tide. Another surprise - what often passes for wisdom with these youngsters is really their awesome ability to abstract (not just think "outside the box" - but beyond the existence of any kind of box to begin with).
This is their number one talent - the ability to abstract.
Their number one weakness, though, is their tendency towards anger.
I haven't said that much about their anger, so I will now, for it is a peculiar kind of anger. That which is exaggerated or inauthentic quickly frustrates them. They have a keen ear and eye for falsehood, and can go into fits of rage if their environment doesn't match their expectations. Remember, most of these children are smarter than their parents and their educators, and they are not easily fooled. Yet they can be manipulated - by emotional repetition and clever games (videos) that emphasize obedience over reasoned thought and questioning. Thus, their innate compassion, keen sense of justice and fair play, their moral standards and
judgments, can be side-tracked.
Anger can be a positive if it fosters truth-telling and the courage and energy it takes to get a job done. Or, it can harm or kill. The hinge between the positive or the negative components of anger, in consideration of evolutionary sweeps of consciousness transformations, is the perception of safety. . . like what a mother feels when carrying her child, and what is present in the environment during the child's early growing years.
Refer to the book, The Biology of Transcendence, by Joseph Chilton Pearce (Park Street Press, Rochester, VT, 2002) for an excellent trestise on this subject. According to Pearce, what we are talking about here are the pre-frontal lobes of the brain. Often referred to as "the wings of the brain," the pre-frontals represent the highest advancement in brain development. The womb experience plus the first three years of life are the most crucial, puberty the second most, when it comes to whether the reptilian brain predominates (necessary for survival), or the pre-frontals develop (the "flowering" of social concerns and ethical behavior).
Take note of those areas around where you live or throughout the world where there is the greatest crime, suicides, and murders. Check on what the people there were exposed to while still in the womb or as young children. Then take a look at countries such as Iraq and Pakistan. They have become spawning grounds for the next generation of jihadists. Consider also that over half of the population in each of the Arabic countries is under the age of 25. The young ones, researchers tell us, are more strident than their elders and tend more to be conservative. The only anomaly is Iran. After the Islamic Revolution in 1979, women were urged to have a lot of children. Incentives were legislated to ensure that they would. The program ended in 1990, resulting in a birth-bulge of unusually loved, wanted, and well-cared-for children who account for today's young adults in Iranian society - people who do not "buy" the agenda of their elders. These "new" ones are the true hope of compromise throughout Asia Minor and with century's old religious conflicts.
The perception of safety, of being wanted and loved, is the single hinge that determines whether or not the new children anywhere in the world can "spread their wings" and redirect their impatience in healthy, constructive ways.
Every mystical, spiritual, and just-plain-healthy-living group on earth are uniquely positioned to make a difference here. The good news is. . . irrespective of the womb experience and what follows in the raising of our children and what they are exposed to, any damage done, any setbacks, can, for the most part, be turned around and healed by the introduction and the application of spiritual principles.
The new children presently flooding into the earthplane are already primed for pre-frontal development in the brain, and they exhibit proof of this right from infancy - irrespective of where in the world they are located. Whether or not you're a parent, listen to what these kids have to say and consider implementing their ideas. They're here to test us, aggravate us, and inspire us as they set about to redesign society itself and the way we live our lives. . . in step with Mother Nature's resculpting of our planet at this, the coming of the Fifth World.
P. M. H. Atwater, L.H.D. is one of the original researchers in the field of near-death studies, having begun her work in 1978. In working with child experiencers of near-death states, she noticed that they matched the characteristics of the new children. After additional research, she wrote The New Children and Near-Death Experiences and Beyond the Indigo Children: The New Children and the Coming of the Fifth World. The addendum to the second book, which keeps it updated, is "Beyond the Indigo Children EXTRAS" - located at www.pmhatwater.com
Saturday, July 14, 2007
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1 comment:
I agree, drop all the labels and let's just interact with these special children. I have been teaching since the late 80s in high school and junior highs and have noticed an obvious change in my students. The last group that graduated in May 2007 were the finest group for me since they embodied all the hopeful qualities of the new kids and also the recurrent bouts of anger.
My job, not only as their computer teacher and academic advisor was to be more of a role model or mentor when it came to the anger issues. I too am like them and had to wade through years of irritability to find myself and then find myself again teaching young people about themselves!
They are incredibly psychic and yes the anger flares up when they feel that they have been unduly chaged or better yet, when they see that someone else has been unjustly charged.
The comment I find most interesting and also disturbing is about the children in the womb and what they experience prior to birth. Not enough can be said about the gestational period and the overall affects on the child to be. There needs to be more research on this subject although our New Kids would tell you just the same that research is not necessary, they already know.
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