Friday, June 1, 2007

Learning from Alien Encounters

First of all, thanks to David, Marge and Sylvia (hope I haven’t missed anyone) who sent me replies to my last email posting. I’ve put David’s and Marge’s on our 1REED blog, and will get Sylvia’s to you soon, as well as any other that comes in.

First, regarding updates to the website,
I’ve added a link to the 1REED blog, which is a record of these emails related to the Indiana conference and the future of consciousness. I’ve also added a link to a web page that provides many links to the topic of “heart awareness,” a state of consciousness that seems the focus of attempts to perceive “through the veil,” meaning inter-species communication as well as to non-material beings. Another link goes to a web site that is compiling information on “non-dual awareness.” The significance of non-dual will become more clear after you read the quotes below.

Now I’d like to share something with you. In doing so, I’m hoping that you’ll get a clearer picture about what we are aiming at. I’m also hoping that I might recruit a few more of you to join our inner circle of people who are volunteering to do book summaries. We keep becoming aware of not simply new titles (we can’t do all the titles) but new realms of thought, etc. regarding our topic.

I want to share with you some material from John Mack’s book, Passport to the Cosmos: Human Transformation and Alien Encounters. I wished that I had had this book on the list from the get go, I meant to. Fortunately, we’ve received a new list member who has volunteered to be on the book summary team, and so this book will be summarized and included in our manual.

I think it is a good example, and John Mack recognizes his work as an example, of an area that challenges consciousness and our view of reality and that has implications for our future direction of evolution. It also takes sides on the issue of whether or not we are coming to a fork in the road (more on that later). I scanned a few paragraphs from his concluding chapter, and I’ll insert a brief summary of some other passages from that chapter. I trust you’ll see the relevance.

First quote:
“The alien abduction phenomenon is one among a number of manifestations--including near-death experiences, intricate crop formations apparitions of many kinds, unexplained powers of healing, and parapsychology--that are forcing us to appreciate that cosmic realities exist heyond the three-dimensional universe that has bounded our earthly existence There seem to be as many names for these domains as there are methods of approaching them: the "implicate order," the “invisible world,” other dimensions," and "transpersonal" or “daimomc reality" are a few of them. Philosophers like Michael Zimmerman Michael Grosso posit a "third zone" of reality that is neither purely internal nor external but lies beyond, including or subsuming the familiar dualism of inner and outer worlds. Whatever words we may use to describe this realm, or realms, it appears ever more likely that we exist in a multidimensional cosmos or multiverse within which space and time appear to be constructs of the mind that order or simplify the chaos of energy and vibration in which we are immersed.
“In addition to the methods of hypothesis-building, experimentation and replication that have formed the basis of the physical sciences, penetrating this multidimensional universe or multiverse seems to require the full range of powers that human consciousness may possess, including intuition, contemplation, or what one of the experiencers has called “the heart’s mind.” The cosmos that is revealed by this opening of consciousness, far from being an empty place of dead matter and energy, appears to be filled with beings, creatures, spirits, intelligences, gods--the names vary according to the apparent worldview of the observer or function and behavior of the entity at hand--that have through the millennia been intimately involved with human existence. In some instances, it would appear, certain of these entities may even cross over the divide that we created in order to keep unseen realities and mysteries apart, ideologically speaking. from the material world.”

Note: In another place he uses the Jungian idea of “compensation” to explain the transformative process taking place. We have so extremely alienated the unseen world, creating a divide between materiality and spirit, that the spirit world is backlashing, creating an upset that will restore the balance between materiality and spirit. The Jungians use a word, “metanoia,” to refer to a total flip, transformation, of consciousness brought about as nature’s response to a too one-sided consciousness that is interfering with health. The message of the aliens seems similar, as if they were a “psychic factor,” or a dimension of the psyche that is asking to be reckoned with.
Also, with regard to the “third zone,” that is referred to, I’ve done a big study of how folks can perceive that third zone as something in which they are having unconscious participation. My study was done in the context of two people “imagining” being in psychic contact. Many of you on this discussion list have experienced this somewhat at one of my trainings. The huge article I published on it (“Close encounters in the Liminal Zone” is available at
I should also note that in places within the book, he discusses how among Native Americans and indigenous peoples, the divide between the material and the spiritual is not so great. There is one chapter about a Native American who had abduction experiences and he says that most all the Natives are aware of the aliens and have always been aware. This relates to the theme that what is on the horizon is a return of something that has been lost, but not lost to indigenous folks. That may be why there is some idea in the Native tradition that white folks would be returning to them to learn from them. It also suggests that the future, evolution, of consciousness may not consist entirely of new elements not previously experienced, but in some way a return of elements that had been suppressed. “The Return of the Repressed” on a cosmic theme, is something Mack considers.

Second quote:
“We still know very little about the forces that act together to bring about a fundamental change in worldview. But it seems clear that for particular individuals such a shift can occur only when some new information or experience, utterly incompatible with previously held beliefs, reaches them beyond the intellect so powerfully that the inadequacy of the worldview that they have hitherto used to explain or contend with reality becomes viscerally and intellectually inescapable. This is what has happened to the abductees who turn to look at their experiences. It is what happened to me in the course of experiencing and studying their stones. It is what is happening to increasing numbers of people who are being exposed to this phenomenon, especially when they meet or hear abduction experiencers tell what they feel quite certain happened to them.”

Note: Here is a very definite reference to forces, or sources, that are bringing about the transformation or evolution of consciousness. We’ve seen, and heard from you, about several alternatives, which are not incompatible: a gradual evolution, through education, social changes, etc. The 100th monkey idea, which could mean that after awhile, the majority of folks have changed; intervention by spiritual forces, aliens, angels, etc.; intervention by cosmic events, such as radiation bombarding the planet; intervention by earth changes, such as major catastrophe. One of the themes that emerges in the book is that the aliens are trying to create a new species, part human, part alien, who will be able to live on the planet after the big event happens, as though the planet, the aliens say, is dying, and soon will not be inhabitable, so they are trying to create a new being who can inhabit the earth afterwards.
I’m not trying to encourage a stand on this issue, but for example, if there is intervention from spiritual sources, then it would be a good idea to establish a relationship with those sources.

Between the above two quotes and the final quote, Mack summarizes some of the effects on experiencers. They read like someone who has had a near death experience:
Realizing that humans are not at the summit of evolutionary beings.
A heightened vibratory energy inside (kundalini?) which is continuing to remove blocks to awareness
Becoming aware of the great archetypes in life
Developing psychic abilities
A new connection with “The Source”
Experiencing a “heart opening”
A new sense of the sacred and a reverence for nature
Assuming responsibility and working at new project to save the planet

These are the kinds of changes that are seen in other consciousness altering experiences (psychedelics, near death, out of body). These could well be ear marks of what’s ahead.

Final quote:

“In the end, the abduction phenomenon seems to me to be a part of the shift in consciousness that is collapsing duality and enabling us to see that we are connected beyond the Earth at a cosmic level. No common enemy will unite us, but the realization of a common Source might. Our notions of the Divine, like everything else, seem to grow along with the evolution of our consciousness. We no longer expect an Old Testament God/bully that will part the seas and bring us where we need to go. Nor is it likely that a messiah/savior will lead us into the Divine Light. For that light, we are learning from phenomena like the one in this book, and from near-death and other out-of-body experiences, is an eternal part of ourselves and the essence of all creation. The creative principle is within us, not without—-thus it cannot befall us. As Bernardo Peixoto discovered in a shattering realization, it is nowhere and everywhere.”

So, Mack’s comments seem right in keeping with the theme of our work together.

I’d like to hear your comments, suggestions for additional topics, and I hope I can recruit more of you to join our smaller group of folks working on book summaries. It is exciting to be able to synthesize so much information and I look forward to what the folks at Indiana will do with this information when we put it into our intuition hopper.


1 comment:

Collapsing Duality said...


Thanks for posting this. It is very well done, to say the least :) I believe that John was right on track. Sad that he is gone.
